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In person Yoga & Meditation Classes

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Find Your Flow
4wk Yoga 101

Have you been wanting to take a yoga class but feel like you don't know enough yet? Thinking you're not flexible enough, fit enough, and you don't know any of the pose names...Don't worry, because none of that matters! This program is designed to help you with some basics of yoga so you can walk into a studio feeling confident and ready to learn, explore and have fun!

Join me in learning some basics of yoga from how to use your breath to learning some foundational poses so you can find your flow and begin your practice

Find Your Flow 

Only $111

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The 4 week journey begins March 21, 2022, doors close March 31, 2022

Start your yoga journey & practice

Yoga is a mind and body practice. This program is designed to help you learn about the basics of yoga so you can start a home practice or feel confident walking into a class and every time you step onto your mat. Whether you want to learn about the physical benefits or the spiritual benefits, yoga is for every BODY! In Sanskrit, Yoga means union so it's about connecting deeper to yourself physically, mentally & emotionally. Connecting these 3 things will help you to live and find out who you are at the core.

Open up to what you already have, to who you already are. To be present on & off the mat

If doing a headstand is your yoga goal, ask yourself why? How will it benefit you, how will it make you feel once you achieve it?

While there are plenty of physical benefits to having a yoga practice, understanding your why, what brought you to the mat is something to be explored. Don't worry, there are no wrong answers! It's about having awareness and being intention about where you currently are and where you desire to go in your practice.

Whether you're here to increase your mobility, reduce stress & anxiety, begin a mindfulness practice, increase the gray matter in your brain, lose weight, build strength...the path to yoga will help you transcend all of that! 

Yoga is about removing any judgements and allows you to be present to who you are now.

What you'll learn inside of Find Your Flow

How to use your breath (when to inhale, exhale w/ intention & control)

Alignment for your body and how to adjust yourself within each pose (building the awareness of the sensations in your body for a safe practice)

Build strength & trust in your mind & body so you can confidently step onto your mat with an open heart, an open mind and use your discernment to only push your body where it's ready to go (no need to force yourself into a pose just because everyone else is doing it)

Mind, body soul connection...strengthen your body, focus the mind and relax your spirit

Intimidated to take a yoga class?  Let's talk about it!

Here are a few things that kept me and what I hear from others, from taking a yoga class...maybe one of these resonates with you!

  • I'm not flexible or fit enough

Yoga isn't about being flexible or fit, can it improve those things? Sure but most of us aren't stretching our muscles all day long and no expects you to be. There are props and modifications available, know your body, don't force it and remember it's a practice so enjoy the journey!

  • I don't know all the poses or Sanskrit 

Me neither! Even after years of practicing yoga, I don't know ALL the poses nor can I get into them and to be totally honest, my Sanskrit isn't the best...this is where cueing comes in! Allow yourself to be a beginner, you didn't know how to walk or talk straight out the womb and look at you now! The more you practice, the more you learn.

  • It's too hard & I can't breathe

This is completely normal! So let's take a deep breath together & release. Knowing how to regulate your breathing is a big reason why I created this program. Your breath is life and if you're not breathing then well...let's get you breathing! Hydration is also a factor, if you're dehydrated everything is going to feel hard. Another reason why it might feel hard is because your body isn't use to moving this way.

Again, yoga is a practice. You're not going to be perfect in your first or even 100th class or you may even surprise yourself! You'll never know if you don't start though so meet me on the mat and find your flow!

I'm Ready!

Create freedom in your body & find your inner strength

Yoga is more than just a form of exercise, it's a way of BEing. This mindset & embodiment practice can take years to cultivate and you'll likely go through multiple transformations. Take a moment to love & appreciate the body you're in.

Let go of the expectations of what you think you "should" be able to do. Start practicing gratitude and the expectations will slowly melt away. You don't need to master every pose, have the perfect "yoga" outfit, start with your willingness & mindset so your practice can evolve over time.

Take your time, give yourself grace, remember to keep breathing and know that the more you practice, the more you find your flow.

Who is this program for? Who is it NOT for?

This program is for those that want to begin a yoga practice and have no prior knowledge about yoga

This is also for those that have some experience and it's been a while since they practiced and want to brush up on some of the basics so they can start a home practice or feel more confident going to a studio class

This is NOT for those who have zero interest in learning about or how to do yoga.


Let's get started!

How long is the program?

This program is 4 weeks with a possibility of an additional week. You'll also have access to the whole program for the lifetime of the program to do on you're own over & over again


This will be a small intimate group setting with a max of 10 women
My goal is to make sure each one of you has individual support through this journey


Find the right teacher & the right program for you can be challenging, I say go with your gut! If you resonate with my coaching and teaching style, get your booty in here!


Yes! In addition to our weekly calls, you'll be invited to Circle, this is where the community will live. You'll be able to ask questions here, share your progress and connect with the other women in the program


The investment is $111 for the 4wks and includes:

4 weekly calls (valued at $200)
Weekly Yoga Classes to practice daily (valued at $180)
Weekly Modules (valued at $200)
Support between calls via Circle (valued at $200)


This program is different because it's a small group setting, online, from the comforts of your own home. This program is designed for beginners who may feel intimidated to take a class in person. It'll be interactive so you can ask questions, practice poses together and have my eyes on you to help you find your alignment for your body


Our weekly calls will be an hour long
Each module will be approx 30mins
Each yoga class will build on eachother, we'll start at 15mins and work our way up to an hour
The yoga classes you do on your own will be up to you, you can practice daily, or just a couple of time per week


There won't be homework like writing an essay to turn in or anything like that. If yoga is something you want to do, then it will be up to you to use the uploaded videos to practice on your own

Thank you so much for choosing me as your guide on your yoga journey!

I'm obsessed with yoga, it's changed my life in so many ways and I know it will change yours too! Yoga asana ( the physical movements) is just 1 limb of yoga and the more you practice the more you'll gravitate towards the others. Yoga can be practiced on & off the mat, it truly is a lifestyle and I hope you stick with it while you develop a deeper sense of who you already are.

Can't wait to meet you!

xoxo, jen

Find Your Flow?

Join me in learning some basics of yoga from how to use your breath to learning some foundational poses so you can find your flow and begin your practice

Are you ready to

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